This study examines the institutional mechanisms in place in Rwanda for interaction between the government agencies responsible for climate change, agriculture and trade issues. It finds that Rwanda has taken major steps in the decentralization of powers, and that the planning process is all-inclusive thereby ensuring close collaboration between central and local governments. However, gaps, shortcomings and weaknesses still exist within the institutional arrangements and across central government and district authorities. Most challenges were found at the district level, including weaknesses in coordination, involvement of grassroots citizens, inclusivity of consultation processes, and implementation follow-up.
This study on ìFood-Climate-Trade Linkages: Understanding and Improving Institutional Interplayî builds on the previous study examining the climate, food, and trade policy nexus in Rwanda. It seeks to identify, understand, and improve the institutional interplay from the local to the national level for the holistic tackling of the three issues of climate change, food security and trade.
The previous study provided analytical information on linkages of trade policies with food security and climate change and has made recommendations for Rwanda to better cope with climate changerelated hunger through trade. Building on the findings of the study, EACSOF Rwanda, through partnership with CUTS International, undertook an advocacy campaign, in accordance with one of the selected recommendations of the study. The campaign was done at the policy level, targeting climate change with a focus on trade policy processes.
Accordingly, this study was undertaken, focussing on the two districts of Gicumbi and Bugesera. These two districts were chosen based on their potential for agricultural export produce that has, or could be, affected by climate change. The methodology used in conducting this study was based on desktop review and field consultations that included interviews of relevant stakeholders, and inputs from experts.
The report is divided into five chapters. The introductory chapter describes the background of the study, objectives, methodology, and the policy nexus between climate change, food security and trade. The second chapter explains the institutional framework in Rwanda with a focus on decisionmaking process both at the local and central government levels. In the same chapter, interactions between the local government and central government are described in detail. Chapter three of this report focuses on understanding and improving institutional interplay in the two selected districts and their linkages with the national government. The fourth chapter identifies the gaps in institutional interplay on climate change, food and trade in Rwanda. Lastly, Chapter five proposes ways forward and makes policy recommendations.