As a vibrant advocate of South-South Cooperation, CUTS has been forming and maintaining strategic alliances with like-minded organisations in over 40 countries, particularly in the developing world.
This has helped CUTS to work in trenches so as to reach out to a large community of practitioners, policymakers and experts beyond its direct sphere of influence. Following strengthening ties with civil society organisations in Africa and Asia, CUTS founded resource centres in Hanoi, Lusaka, Nairobi and Accra. It was also instrumental in establishing other organisations like ICTSD and SAWTEE.
We contribute to the expansion of CUTS' networks by forming new partnerships no only with non-state and state institutions in developing countries, but also in Geneva with permanent missions, trade negotiators and representatives of international organisations.
It is our close involvement with stakeholders in the Global South that makes CUTS International, Geneva, a credible Southern NGO voice in Geneva.
Below is a list of international, regional and national institutions we maintain strategic partnerships with.
Our working methodology places emphasis on engaging with a multitude of local, national and international stakeholders stakeholders around the world.
At the international level, we have established formal institutional relationships with several International Governmental Organizations (IGOs) which our work seeks to influence. These are listed below.
Initiatives for Dialogue and Empowerment through Alternative Legal Services, Inc. (IDEALS)