Who We Are

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The voice of the Global South in International Geneva on Trade and Economic Policy.

CUTS International, Geneva is a non-profit NGO that catalyses the pro-trade, pro-equity voices of the Global South in international trade and development debates in Geneva.

Through our work, we have made a name for linking people and issues in the world of multilateral trade with their counterparts in related policy areas. These include regional integration, agriculture, environment, competition, investment and consumer protection among others.

Since our establishment in 2008, our research-based advocacy projects in the Global South - where we have our roots and partners - on these issues have made us a prime interlocutor of developing countries and international organisations in Geneva.

In Geneva, we collaborate closely with developing country trade negotiators, backing them with technical knowledge and updates on the situation on the ground. We have also become a trusted technical cooperation and knowledge partner of international organizations such as the WTO and UNCTAD, where we have consultative status.

We and our sister CUTS organizations in India, Kenya, Zambia, Vietnam, and Ghana have made our footprints in the realm of economic governance across the developing world. Our activities stretch from Asia to Africa, South America and beyond.

Our Vision

To pursue social justice and economic equity within and across borders by persuading governments and empowering people.

Our Mission

To establish and promote a pro-trade pro-equity credible Southern NGO voice as well as the means to achieve this in the policy-making circles working on trade and development and other related issues in Geneva.

Our Objectives
  • Improving inclusivity in relevant policy-making processes and decisions through better participation of developing countries' stakeholders including the grassroots.
  • Building capacity of policy-makers, negotiators, and other important stakeholders through demand-driven and need-based research and analysis.
  • Contributing to deeper and broader understanding of relevant issues through targeted and research-based outputs.
  • Enhancing policy coherence at all levels through the analysing of and raising the profile of pertinent issue linkages.
  • Facilitating mutual learning through information and knowledge sharing in networks.
  • Stimulating common interests among developed and developing countries through advocacy dialogues and networking.
CUTS: 30 Years of Social Change
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