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The WTO Doha Development Agenda impasse: Possible reasons, implications for developing countries and way forward

Jul. 2020.This paper seeks to establish the reasons why it has been very problematic to reach a compromise on different issues of the Doha Development Agenda, implications of the DDA impasse on developing countries and it finally looks at possible solutions that need to be applied to unblock the impasse in the DDA negotiations.

By Patrick Manirampa | Download



Informal Cross-Border Trade: A Perspective from Tunisia

Sep. 2016.This paper aims to put the accent on one aspect of informal economy, the informal cross border trade as a major development concern and to highlight its devastating implications on economic development. It then discusses some approaches that can contribute to curbing the phenomenon inspired from the Tunisian case. It finally highlights the need to enhance international cooperation towards its resolution.

By Patrick Manirampa | Download



Reducing Trade Costs as a Means to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals

By Patrick Manirampa | Download



The TPP, the environment, and implications for developing countries

May 2016.This note explores the content of new environmental provisions in the TPP, links with existing Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs), the treatment of marine resources and biodiversity and potential implications for developing countries, including Parties and non-Parties.

By Patrick Manirampa | Download



NAMA Negotiations, WTO Regime and Emerging Countries Institutional Preferences: The Dialogical Preference Hypothesis

Mar. 2016.The article deals with the NAMA-11's strategy within the WTO multilateral negotiations on the liberalization of non-agricultural goods (NAMA negotiation). It puts forward that endorsement-contestation institutional offers are the result of the relative gain issue that characterizes the multilateral trade compromises as the multilateral trading system become less asymetric.

By Patrick Manirampa | Download



Les Pays les Moins Avancés et l’Organisation mondiale du commerce: Les enjeux post-Nairobi

Jan. 2016.Cette note analyse la position et les intérêts des pays les moins avancés (PMA) dans la négociation commerciale multilatérale et le programme de Doha pour le développement . Elle vise à présenter des propositions en vue de la prise en compte des intérêts de cette catégorie dans le système commercial multilatéral de l’OMC pour l’après Nairobi.

By Patrick Manirampa | Download