About Event
- Cambodia Consultations on “Prototyping a Better Trade Resilience Toolkit”
- Tanzania Consultations on “Prototyping a Better Trade Resilience Toolkit”
- Border Carbon Adjustment Measures: Geneva Informal Dialogue n°2
- Border Carbon Adjustment Measures: Geneva Informal Dialogue n°1
- WTO Joint Statement on Electronic Commerce: State of Play
- WTO Joint Statement on Investment Facilitation: State of Play
- World Trade Congress on Gender
- World Competition Day 2022: Competition Policy and Climate Change
- Sharm El-Sheikh Climate Change Conference (COP27)
- Industry 4.0 Technologies and Value-Added Services: Opportunities and challenges for LDCs
- Agriculture in Trade and Climate Change Negotiations
- WTO Public Forum 2022: Towards a sustainable and inclusive recovery
- The Trade System Is Changing: Can it Deliver for the Future?
- A Southeast Asia Perspective on Trade and Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation: Policy Priorities and Recommendations for Action
- Towards Greater Synergies between Aid for Trade and Climate Finance frameworks for Inclusive and Sustainable Development
- Greening Aid for Trade: Future priorities and pathways for a just transition to sustainable trade
- Aid for Trade Global Review 2022: “Empowering Connected Sustainable Trade
- East Africa Trade Forum: Way Forward Post-MC12
- UNCTAD Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Competition Law and Policy 2022
- UNCTAD Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Consumer Protection 2022
- South and Southeast Asia Forum: Way Forward Post-MC12
- Middle East and North Africa Trade Forum: Way Forward Post-MC12
- West Africa Trade Forum: Way Forward Post-MC12
- Digitalization and E-Commerce: New prospects for tackling inequality?
- Trade and Sustainability Hub 2022
- 12th WTO Ministerial Conference
- South and Southeast Asia Forum: Preserving food security in SSEA
- South and Southeast Asia Forum: WTO Work Programme on Electronic Commerce
- Middle East and North Africa Trade Forum: WTO Work Programme on Electronic Commerce
- West Africa Trade Forum: WTO Work Programme on Electronic Commerce
- East Africa Trade Forum: WTO Work Programme on Electronic Commerce
- Whether ‘data localisation’ and ‘national champion’ approach would lead to an inclusive digital economy?
- Promoting inclusive data policy through capacity building
- UNCTAD eCommerce Week 2022: Data and Digitalization for Development
- Joint Statement Initiative on Investment Facilitation for Development
- South and Southeast Asia Forum: Trade and Environment
- Implementation Considerations and Capacity Building Support in the E-commerce Joint Statement Initiative
- South and Southeast Asia Forum: The Services Sector, COVID-19, and Digitalization
- Final National Workshop on Electronic Commerce: Mauritius
- Agriculture in a Post-pandemic World: How can Trade, Resilience and Inclusivity Support Food for All?
- Trade and Sustainability Hub 2021
- Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Forum: An update on WTO Reform
- East Africa Forum: An update on WTO Reform
- Capacity building on e-commerce: From lessons to solutions
- COP26: Glasgow Climate Change Conference
- South and Southeast Asia Forum: Agriculture Negotiations and WTO MC12
- Virtual Seminar: Joint Statement Initiative on Investment Facilitation for Development
- South and Southeast Asia Forum: TRIPS Waiver
- Middle East and North Africa Trade Forum: TRIPS Waiver
- West Africa Trade Forum: TRIPS Waiver
- East Africa Trade Forum: TRIPS Waiver
- Ensuring PPE Market Supply Transparency for Future Pandemics: From Lessons to Solutions
- Building Better Together: Towards Resilient Trade Policy and Multilateral Trading System
- WTO Public Forum 2021: “Trade Beyond COVID-19: Building Resilience”
- E-commerce JSI Towards MC12 and Beyond: Potential Interests of Developing Countries
- The Impact of COVID-19 on Agricultural Trade and Employment
- West Africa Trade Forum: Emerging Priority Issues Towards MC12
- East Africa Trade Forum: Emerging Priority Issues Towards MC12
- South and Southeast Asia Forum: COVID-19 impacts on Trade and Development
- UNCTAD Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Consumer Protection 2021
- UNCTAD Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Competition Law and Policy 2021
- East Africa Trade Forum: Fisheries Subsidies
- UN Trade Forum 2021: Towards a green and inclusive recovery
- Regional Workshop on Investment Facilitation for Development: Latin America and the Caribbean
- Regional Workshop on Micro, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (MSMEs): Asia
- Middle East and North Africa Trade Forum: Development and SDT Issues
- West Africa Trade Forum: Fisheries Subsidies
- Regional Workshop on Micro, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (MSMEs): Africa
- South and Southeast Asia Forum: Plastics Management
- Regional Workshop on Investment Facilitation for Development: Africa
- Recovery through Open Trade: Towards Inclusive, Resilient and Sustainable Trade Policy Post Covid-19
- Integrating Gender and Social Perspectives into New Issues in the WTO
- WTO Aid-for-Trade Stocktaking Event 2021
- Joint Statement Initiative on Electronic Commerce: Stocktaking Towards MC12
- Joint Ministerial Statement on Investment Facilitation for Development: Stocktaking Towards MC12
- Joint Ministerial Statement on Micro, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (MSMEs): Stocktaking Towards MC12
- Climate Policies: Tools to Support Gender Equality
- Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Forum: E-Commerce and Covid-19
- Final National Workshop on Electronic Commerce: Mexico
- Regional Workshop on Micro, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (MSMEs): Asia
- Atelier du Sénégal sur les "Implications pour le Sénégal de la Déclaration Conjointe sur le commerce électronique : résultats d’une étude"
- West Africa Forum: An update on WTO Reform
- South and Southeast Asia Forum: An update on WTO Reform
- Nepal Virtual Workshop on “Implications of the Joint Statement on Electronic Commerce for Nepal: Consultation for a Research Study”
- Mexico National Workshop on E-commerce
- Joint Initiatives: Taking stock in light of COVID-19 Implications
- Regional Workshop on Micro, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (MSMEs): Latin America and the Caribbean
- Trade and Digital Africa: Innovating for Inclusive and Sustainable Continental Integration
- National Workshop on E-commerce: Mauritius
- Regional Workshop on Micro, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (MSMEs): Africa
- National Workshop on Electronic Commerce: Lao PDR
- National Workshop on Electronic Commerce: Guyana
- Atelier national sur le commerce électronique au Sénégal
- Third Phase of AfCFTA: Protocol on E-Commerce
- Virtual Seminar: Joint Statement Initiative on E-commerce
- Virtual Seminar: Joint Statement Initiative on Investment Facilitation for Development
- Geneva Virtual Seminar: Joint Statement Initiative on Micro, Small, and Medium-Sized Enterprises
- Digital Economy and Continental Integration: Creating value for Africa
- UNCTAD eCommerce Week 2020
- General aspirations and possible priority areas for MC12 of South and Southeast Asian countries
- Domestic support on developed countries’ agriculture: Impacts on SSEA export opportunities
- Geneva Seminar: Joint Statement Initiative on Electronic Commerce
- Geneva Seminar: Joint Statement Initiative on Investment Facilitation
- What is above the lowest-hanging fruit and can that be harvested by the next ministerial?
- What scenarios for Agriculture and E-Commerce towards 2017?
- Dealing with Agricultural issues after the Paris Agreement: views on the EAC INDCs and the way forward
- The WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement: What are the Main Issues Faced by SMEs in S&SE Asian Countries?
- Integrating the EAC Cotton, Textile and Apparel Sector in Global Value Chains
- Agro-Processing: What Relations with Climate, Food and Trade?
- Agricultural products’ exports: What are the Sanitary & PhytoSanitary barriers faced by exporters in South & South-East Asian countries?
- Agriculture and E-Commerce: What way forward at the WTO?
- Paris Climate Agreement: What do East African Stakeholders Think?
- Competition Policy: One of the WTO's "New issues"?
- DDA vs. New Issues: What Lies Ahead Post-Nairobi?
- Launching PACT EAC2 for Climate-aware, Trade-driven, Food security-enhancing Agro-processing Development for East Africa
- Identifying WTO Missions’ Needs for Stakeholders’ Perspectives
- East Africa Training: Enhancing Capacities for Trade in Services Policymaking and Negotiations
- Reflections on the Nairobi Ministerial Outcomes
- Trade as a tool for LDCs' graduation: How can the Multilateral Trading System Deliver on Development?
- Synergizing Trade and Climate Change for Food Security and Livelihoods in the EAC
- Mega-Regional Trade Agreements and their Impacts on Developing Countries and the Multilateral Trading Regime
- Nairobi: WTO Ministerial Conference 2015
- Non-Tariff Barriers and their Effect on East African Exports
- South Asia Training: Enhancing Capacities for Trade in Services Policymaking and Negotiations
- Services Trade: Making it Work for Low- and Lower-Middle Income Countries
- Multilateral Framework on Competition: Is it an effective antidote to counter anti-competitive market distortions for trade to work better?
- WTO Public Forum 2015:“Trade Works”
- The 10th WTO Ministerial Conference: Discussing a Sufficient Nairobi Outcome
- EAC Regional Training on Developing Coherent Policies accross Climate, Food and Trade
- Rules of Origin: The Private Sector’s Perspective in the EAC
- The Climate-Trade-Food Security Nexus: After Four Years
- The 10th WTO Ministerial Conference Challenges: Work Programme, Leadership and Nairobi Outcome
- Book Launch: "Making Competition Reforms Work for People"
- United Nations Review Conference on Competition and Consumer Protection 2015
- Motor Vehicle Agreement Among the BBIN Group of Countries: Key Concerns, Challenges and Benefits
- 5th Global Review of Aid for Trade
- Global Review of Aid for Trade 2015
- Agro-processing trade: the private sectors’ experience of climate change along the value chain
- Trade in Services: Special Meeting of the EAC Geneva Forum
- Building Trust and Convergence: Informal Lunch Meeting of WTO Negotiators
- Support to enhance development of trade in services negotiations
- Week-long Visit of East African Stakeholders to Geneva
- Climate, Food, Trade: Taking Stock of Our Impacts on Policy and Practice
- WTO Non-Agriculture Market Access Negotiations: Issues of Interest to the EAC
- WTO Agriculture Negotiations in the Post-Bali Work Programme: Issues of Interest to the EAC
- Competition Issues in Public Procurement
- Trade Facilitation: Identifying and Addressing SMEs and Consumers' Needs and Considerations
- Bali: WTO Ministerial Conference 2013
- Promoting Agricultural Investments: An Opportunity to Enhance Food Security in the EAC
- Building on Momentum for Impact: Intertwining Climate, Food, Trade Policies
- Policy Uncertainty Reduces Investment
- World Investment Forum 2014
- Training Workshops on Developing Coherent Policies accross Climate, Food and Trade
- EU-EAC Economic partnership agreement (EPA): State of play & national perspectives
- Sustaining Improvements in Climate, Food, Trade Policy Coherence
- Promoting Trade in Services: Analysing the Potential for EAC
- CUTS' 30th Anniversary Lectures: Pascal Lamy and Supachai Panitchpakdi
- Climate, Food Trade: Linking East African Issues to the Global Context
- L’Inclusion des Acteurs Non-Etatiques pour l’Intégration du Commerce dans les Stratégies Nationales de Développement
- Stakeholders' Workshop on Trade Mainstreaming in Nepal
- The Implementation of the Trade Facilitation Agreement: Challenges for Developing and Least Developed Countries
- Promoting Food Security through Climate Smart Agriculture and Policy Coherence
- Non-State Actors in the EIF: Towards a Roadmap
- The Bali Trade Facilitation Outcomes and the Road Ahead
- WTO Bali Ministerial Outcomes And Priorities For The EAC
- The Neglected Imperative in Trade and Development: Innovation as a Growth Strategy for the Global South
- WTO Public Forum 2013: “Expanding Trade through Innovation and the Digital Economy”
- Climate, Food, Trade: Bringing Coherence into East African Policy Responses
- Trade Facilitation: Addressing Consumer and SME Interests and Concerns in Developing Countries
- Geographical Indications: Establishing and applying an effective protection system in the EAC countries
- Aid for Trade, Regional and Global Value Chains and the Role of Trilateral Cooperation
- Global Review of Aid for Trade 2013: "Connecting to value chains"
- Towards a Multilateral Consensus on Trade and Investment: Bali and Beyond
- Climate, Food, Trade: Campaigning for Change
- AGOA and the EAC: A re-look after 13 years of Africa-US trade relations
- The Ninth WTO Ministerial Conference: What is at stake for the EAC in Bali?
- Climate, Food, Trade: Towards Advocating Strong Policy Coherence
- Exploring the Regional Dimension of Aid for Trade in the EAC
- Nexus between biofuel production, food security, and trade
- Emerging Issues and Developing Countries
- The Multilateral Trading System in the 21st Century: Interaction Between Trade and Competition Policy
- Facing the Challenge of Climate Change on Food Security through Trade: Multi-stakeholder Capacity Building in the EAC
- Services Liberalisation in the EAC
- Climate, Food, Trade: Understanding Linkages & Stakeholders' Experience
- Importance and Effects of SPS and TBT Measures on Trade Policy and Trade Relations
- Making the Tripartite Free Trade Agreement work for the interests of EAC Countries
- Integrating Agriculture, Climate Change and Trade Policies
- FEAD National Dialogues 2012
- Economic Partnership Agreements: Implications for developing and LDCs
- Climate Change, Food Security and Trade: Challenges and Opportunities
- CUTS Launches PACT EAC Project in Arusha
- Win-win Bilateral Trade Agreements
- Supporting EAC Development Through Trade: Focus on Agriculture and Climate Change
- Preparations Towards the 8th WTO Ministerial
- Book Launch: “Reflections from the Frontline: Developing Country Negotiators in the WTO”
- Agriculture & Equity: Tanzania National Dialogue 2011
- Agriculture & Equity: Kenya National Dialogue 2011
- Symposium on Trade in Primary Product Markets and Competition Policy
- Book Launch: "The Doha Round & Asia: Need for Better Coordination"
- Green Transition and Poverty Alleviation in LDCs: Taking Stock of LDC-IV
- From Istanbul to 2020: Vision for LDCs
- Cooperation for Development: South-South Development Assistance for Non-resident Countries
- Agriculture in Development of Select African Countries
- CSO-LDCs Partnership for Development
- FEATS National Dialogues 2010
- Taking East African Regional Integartion Forward
- Writers' Workshop: Reflections from the Frontline – Developing Countries Negotiators in the WTO
- Book Launch: “Towards More Inclusive Trade Policy Making: Process and Roles of Stakeholders in Select African Countries”
- Partnership for Development through Trade: Malawi Experience and Expectations
- Preparing for UN LDC IV: Trade and Development Challenges for LDCs
- Improving Food Security in the face of Climate Change
- Improving Inclusiveness of Trade Policy Making in Developing Countries
- Reforming and Strengthening the WTO
- Doha Round Implications for India: Presentation of a Study by CUTS International
- Trade Governance and Developing Countries: The Need for Effective Inter-Ministerial Coordination and Stakeholder Consultations for Trade Policy
- FEATS National Inception Meeting
- FEATS National Inception Meeting
- FEATS National Inception Meeting
- Tanzania National Dialogue 2009
- Uganda National Dialogue 2009
- Kenya National Dialogue 2009
- Least Developed Countries (LDCs) in the Economic Crisis: Specific Challenges and Solutions
- The Multilateral Trading System: Opportunities and Challenges for East Africa
- Zambia National Dialogue 2009
- Malawi National Dialogue 2009
- FEATS National Inception Meeting
- FEATS Geneva Inception Meeting 2008
About Publication
- The Joint Initiative on E-commerce in the WTO: Spotlight on challenges and LDCs’ interests towards MC13
- MSME Informal Working Group at the WTO: Status update and LDCs’ interests towards MC13
- Adaptation Technology to Climate Change in the Agricultural Sector
- The Evolving Context and Dynamics of the WTO Joint Initiative on E-commerce
- Make a Difference! - Differential Treatment of Developing Countries in Trade and Climate Change Regimes
- Be More Holistic! - Why the WTO and UNFCCC should work together more closely in the area of financing
- Don’t Run Alone! - Why the WTO and UNFCCC should work together more closely in the area of agriculture
- Économie politique des rapports Nord-Sud: De l’autodéclaration à la différenciation-fragmentation entre pays en développement au sein du système commercial multilatéral
- 2022 Tunisia Systematic Country Diagnostic: An Old Wine in a New Bottle?
- An Overview of the WTO Work Programme on Electronic Commerce
- A Southeast Asian Perspective on Trade and Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
- Climate Finance: What to Expect from COP27?
- Trade-related Measures in Nationally Determined Contributions: State of play in South and Southeast Asia
- Food Sector Recovery and Resilience After the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Towards a WTO Package of Solutions for NFIDCs in Times of Food Crisis
- Towards Food Security in South and Southeast Asian times of Crisis
- Shifting Towards Circular Policy Framework in Developing Countries: Taking stock and Getting Inspired
- The WTO Work Programme on Electronic Commerce Post Buenos Aires: Developments in the run-up to MC12
- Aspects liés à la coopération avec les pays en développement, au renforcement de leurs capacités et à leurs activités de mise en œuvre dans le cadre de l’IDC sur le commerce électronique
- Cooperation, Capacity Building and Implementation Considerations of Developing Countries in the Ecommerce Joint Statement Initiative
- Securing Food Supply and Livelihoods in Pandemic Times
- The State of Play for Sustainable Development in the Joint Statement Initiative on Investment Facilitation for Development
- Multilateralism at the COVID-19 Pandemic Crossroad
- Environment and International Trade: Latest Developments in the WTO and Their Possible Implications
- The Services Sector, COVID-19, and Digitalization: Implications for Select South and Southeast Asian Countries
- Greening Aid for Trade
- Investment Facilitation: Snapshot of Jordan’s Readiness in Key Areas
- Digital Commerce Course: a five-year assessment
- Trade and Health: Towards Mutually Supportive World Trade and Health Governance Systems
- Addressing the Gender Dimension of E-commerce: Towards a Holistic Analytical and Policy Framework
- Key LDC Issues Ahead of WTO MC12 and UN LDC-V
- Trade Aspects of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) in South and Southeast Asia
- The Equity Aspect of Fisheries Subsidies
- Agriculture Negotiations and WTO MC12: A Common Path Forward for Select South and South-East Asian Countries
- When Trade Meets Competition Policy: Insights from WTO Trade Policy Reviews
- Ensuring Market Supply Transparency for Personal Protective Equipments: Preparing for Future Pandemics
- Least Developed Countries: History, Challenges and Solutions in the Context of UN LDCV and WTO MC12
- The Nationally Determined Contributions in the Lead-Up to COP26 and Beyond: Stakes for Least Developed Countries
- Domestic Support in the WTO Agriculture Negotiations: Outcomes for MC12
- Trade-related measures in Egypt's Climate Change NDC Plan and Implementation
- Competition in WTO Trade Policy Reviews: How has it been addressed?
- The Impact of COVID-19 on Agricultural Trade and Employment of Selected South and Southeast Asian Countries
- Promoting MSMEs and Regulatory Development: Interests and Participation
- The Status of Circular Economy in the Gambia
- South Sudan: Development Challenges and Policy Options
- Circular Economy in Rwanda
- Environmental Issues in the Multilateral Trading System: Past, Present and Possible Future
- Négociations de l’IDE sur le commerce électronique parmi les membres de l’OMC : État des lieux et impacts de la pandémie de COVID-19
- MPME: principaux développements et mise à jour des discussions menées par le GTI avec les membres de l’OMC
- Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala Becomes New WTO Head: Don’t Expect Her to Fix it All
- Negotiating Services Market Access under the E-commerce JSI: A development perspective
- COVID-19 impacts on Trade and Development in South and Southeast Asian countries
- WTO Negotiations on Fisheries Subsidies: An Overview of Artisanal and Small-scale Fisheries issues
- Enhancing LDC Utilisation of Preferential Market Access Schemes: A Case for Simplifying Rules of Origin
- E-Commerce in Bangladesh: A Snapshot
- Trade and Plastics Management: The role of WTO towards more Circularity
- An Overview of Plastics' Management in South and Southeast Asia
- The Rise of Digital Services in COVID-19: Recent Trends and the Interests of Developing Countries
- L’Initiative conjointe sur la facilitation de l’investissement: éléments nouveaux depuis 2020 et feuille de route en vue de la CM12
- E-commerce JSI Negotiations Among WTO Members: State of Play and the Impacts of COVID-19
- The Joint Initiative on Investment Facilitation: Developments from 2020 and the Road Ahead to MC12
- The Threat of Export Restrictions on Food Security in the Context of COVID-19
- Sustainable agri-food value chains: How policies can support the shift towards more resilient food systems
- Debate on Special and Differential Treatment in the Multilateral Trading System: Past, Present and Future
- Covid-19 Impacts, Responses and Way Forward for a Sustainable Recovery in Jordan
- E-Commerce in Afghanistan
- ALECA UE-Tunisie : défis et opportunités de l’harmonisation des normes
- EU-Tunisia Deep and Complete Free Trade Agreement (DCFTA): Analysing Standards Harmonisation Challenges, and Opportunities
- E-Commerce in Myanmar
- Fiji: Covid-19 Impacts, Responses and Ways Forward for Sustainable and Inclusive Recovery
- Le Commerce Electronique au Sénégal : Etat des Lieux
- The State of E-Commerce in Guyana
- The State of E-Commerce in Jamaica
- Liberia: A Trade Profile
- Climate Change Policies: Tools Towards more Gender Equality?
- Can Climate Policies Foster Gender Equality?
- Fast Forward e-Commerce: How can Developing Countries Leap e-Commerce Barriers in the post-Covid-19 Era?
- Competition Policy and Access to Healthcare: A Toolkit
- WTO Joint Statement Initiative on Investment Facilitation: Considerations for Developing Countries in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Trade-related Technical Assistance to Developing Countries for WTO Negotiations
- COVID 19: Impacts, Responses and Issues in Kenya
- The State of E-Commerce in Lao PDR
- Liberia: Covid-19 Impacts, Responses and Ways Forward for Sustainable and Inclusive Recovery
- The Role of Trade Policy in Plastic Waste Management
- The impact of COVID-19 on MSMEs in Developing Countries
- WTO Reform: Context, Main Issues and Possible Way Forward for Developing Countries
- Impacts of Covid-19 on Women in the Global Trade Market: Analysing Gender Implications in Developing and Least Developed Countries
- Tourism and Climate Change in the context of Covid-19
- Covid 19 and Digital Divide in Africa: What more needs to be done?
- Exigences liées aux mesures SPS à l'export : Cas des filières de l’huile d’olive, des dattes, des fruits frais et des légumes secs - Tunisie
- Manuels de bonnes pratiques sur les mesures sanitaires et phytosanitaires à l'exportation : Cas des filières de l’huile d’olive, des dattes, des fruits frais et des légumes secs - Tunisie
- EU Market Quality Requirements and Exports Procedures Manual to Small and Medium Exporters - Egypt
- Understanding SPS Requirements for Exports on the EU Market: The case of Oranges, Potatoes, Grapes, Strawberries and Artichokes - Egypt
- Understanding SPS Requirements for Exports to the EU: Focus on Cocoa, Cashew and Tuna products - Ghana
- Sanitary and Phytosanitary Export Measurement Requirements: The case of cocoa, cashew nuts, and tuna products
- Exigences liées aux mesures SPS à l'export: cas des filières de la pêche, des fruits rouges et de l’apiculture au Maroc
- Manuels de bonnes pratiques applicables aux filières des produits céphalopodes, du miel et des fruits rouges: Exigences liées aux mesures sanitaires et phytosanitaires à l'exportation - Maroc
- African Continental Free Trade Area: Promoting Intra-African Trade for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
- Establishing Data Centres in Developing Countries
- Sanitary and Phytosanitary Export Measurement Requirements: The case of cocoa, cashew nuts, and tuna products - Ghana
- Investigating the Centrality of Gender Equality to Fostering Progress in International Trade through the Framework of the 2030 Agenda
- Trade in Health Services in the light of Covid-19: Actions Points for Developing Countries
- The WTO Doha Development Agenda impasse: Possible reasons, implications for developing countries and way forward
- Enabling LDC Suppliers To Benefit From The WTO Services Waiver: The case of modern services in Cambodia
- Exigences liées aux mesures sanitaires et phytosanitaires à l'exportation : Le cas des filières horticoles, des produits arachidiers et des produits halieutiques - Sénégal
- Manuels de bonnes pratiques applicables aux filières horticoles, des produits arachidiers et des produits halieutiques: Exigences liées aux mesures sanitaires et phytosanitaires à l'exportation - Sénégal
- Understanding SPS Requirements for Exports on the EU Market: The Case of Processed Spices, Chili Oil, Avocado, Coffee and Tea - Rwanda
- SPS requirements for Exports in the EU market: Manual of Best Practices for Coffee, Tea, Avocado, Chili Oil and Processed Spices - Rwanda
- Understanding SPS Requirements Exports on the EU Market: The case of green coffee, sesame seed, haricot bean seed, chickpea seed and fresh-cut multi floral roses - Ethiopia
- Export Guide for Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises: Focus on Four Agricultural Products with Export Potential - Ethiopia
- Mainstreaming Gender in Key E-Commerce Policy Areas: Possible Lessons for AfCFTA
- Mainstreaming Gender in E-Commerce: Possible Lessons for AfCFTA
- Remédier au fossé numérique dans l’Initiative de déclaration conjointe sur le commerce électronique
- Addressing the Digital Divide in E-commerce JSI: from Enabling Issues to Data and Source Code Provisions
- Projet de cadre multilatéral pour la facilitation de l’investissement: Analyse de sa relation avec le commerce international et les accords d’investissement
- The Proposed Multilateral Framework on Investment Facilitation: An Analysis of its Relationship to International Trade and Investment Agreements
- Mobilising E-Commerce for Development in Africa through AfCFTA
- The Role of AfCFTA in the Digital Era
- L’Organisation mondiale du commerce et les accords commerciaux: Enseignements tirés de l’Initiative de déclaration conjointe pour les micro-, petites et moyennes entreprises
- MSME Perspectives in Trade Agreements and the WTO: Lessons for MSME JSI
- Joint Statement on Micro, Small, and Medium-Sized Enterprises: History and latest developments in the Informal Working Group
- Déclaration conjointe relative aux micro, petites et moyennes entreprises : historique et derniers développements du Groupe de travail informel
- E-Commerce: What have small developing countries prioritised in Trade Agreements?
- Electronic Commerce in Trade Agreements: Experience of Small Developing Countries
- COVID-19 Trade Impact Monitor
- WTO Negotiations on Agriculture: an out-of-the Boxes Approach to Reform Trade-Distorting Domestic Support
- The Global Debate on Taxation in Digital Economy: State of Play and Implications for Developing Countries
- The Other Elements of WTO Institutional Reform: Beyond Dispute Settlement
- Circular Economy and Trade: Understanding and Promoting Linkages
- Micro, Small, and Medium-Sized Enterprises: Key Developments and Update in the WTO Informal Working Group Discussions
- Investment Facilitation: History and the latest developments in the structured discussions
- Facilitation des investissements : historique et évolution récente des discussions structurées
- E-commerce in the World Trade Organization: History and latest developments in the negotiations under the Joint Statement
- Le commerce électronique au sein de l’Organisation mondiale du commerce: Historique et dernières avancées des négociations dans le cadre de la déclaration conjointe
- Domestic support on developed countries’ agriculture: Impacts on SSEA export opportunities
- Twenty Years Down the Line: A re-look at the Doha Development Agenda
- The WTO Doha Development Round: From Doha in 2001 to Nur Sultan in 2020
- Electronic Commerce Provisions in the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA)
- The African Continental Free Trade Agreement: Opportunities and Challenges
- Breaking silos between trade and climate for the world’s most vulnerable countries
- WTO Reform: Old Debate, New Realities
- The African Continental Free Trade Agreement: Opportunities and Challenges
- Green Technologies, Intellectual Property Regime and Climate Change
- S&SEA Rice Exports: Challenges in Relation with the new EU MRL
- Comment les services impactent-ils le développement de l’agriculture ?
- Electronic Commerce Joint Statement: Issues in the Negotiations Phase
- Electronic Commerce Joint Statement: Issues in the Discussion Phase
- Beyond UNFCCC and Paris Agreement: Mapping Financial Support Available for Farmers and Agro-processors in Developing Countries
- Environment related Standards in Maize Value Chains and their coherence to Existing Policy Frameworks in East Africa Community
- Environmental standards: Challenges and opportunities for EAC agro-processors
- Trade-Climate-Agriculture Linkages: Towards more Coherence and Inclusiveness
- The role of NDCs in fulfilling energy related SDGs in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Adaptation in Climate Talks: Developments since the Paris Agreement
- Export Challenges Faced by South and Southeast Asian e-Commerce Providers
- Challenges for Compliance with the Enhanced Transparency Framework of the Paris Agreement
- Assessing Current Nutrient Use and Manure Management Approaches
- Technology Commitments in Climate Talks
- Finance Commitments under the Paris Rulebook of UNFCCC: Implications for Developing Countries and LDCs
- Agricultural products’ exports: Sanitary & Phyto-sanitary barriers faced by exporters in EAC
- Response Measures Commitments in Climate Talks
- The WTO Work Programme on Electronic Commerce: 1998-2017
- Towards Effective Protection of Traditional Knowledge: Resolving Conflicts between TRIPS and CBD
- WTO Nairobi Ministerial Decision on Preferential Rules of Origin for LDCs: A review of the implementation and outstanding issues
- Methods and Approaches for Assessing Adaptation, Adaptation Co-benefits and Resilience
- Investment Facilitation Joint Statement Meetings in the WTO (2018-2019)
- Issues discussed at the MSMEs Joint Statement Meetings: 2018-2019
- Assessing Climate Adaptation in Agriculture: Setting the EAC scene and remaining needs
- Appellate Body Deadlock at the WTO: State of Play and Pragmatic Way Forward
- Challenges Faced by E-commerce Service Providers in South and Southeast Asia
- Post-graduation of LDCs: Implications in the context of the WTO
- Achieving SDGs: What is the Relevance of the WTO for Small Developing Countries and LDCs?
- Investment Facilitation: What are the Issues at Play?
- Leveraging the WTO to Achieve SDGs: Priority Goal Areas for Small Developing Countries and LDCs
- Reforming the World Trade Organization: Suggestions for an African Agenda
- Climate Adaptation in Agriculture: Setting the EAC scene and remaining needs
- Agro-processing: Will Digitalisation make it more Attractive to East African Youth?
- WTO Ministerial Decisions on Simplified Preferential Rules of Origin for LDCs: An Overview of their Implementation
- Support for post-graduation soft-landing of LDCs: Implications in the context of the WTO
- Comprehensive Review of the East African Community (EAC) Common External Tariff: What are the Salient Issues?
- Competition Concerns in Cross-border E-commerce: Implications for Developing Countries
- Possible Special and Differential Treatment Provisions in the Fisheries Subsidies Negotiations at WTO
- Special and Differential Treatment in the Context of the Digital Era
- Synergising Trade and Climate Talks: How Can the WTO and UNFCCC Learn From Each Other?
- WTO Trade Policy Reviews of Major Economies: Implications and Lessons for Smaller Developing Countries and LDCs
- What can the WTO and UNFCCC Learn from Each Other?
- Mainstreaming Gender in Trade Policies: What Progress in Eastern and Southern Africa?
- Beyond Trade Rules: Enablers of Firms’ Participation in Regional Agro-processing Value Chains
- Initiative to Enhance MSME Participation in International Trade: Challenges and Opportunities in the Context of the WTO
- Gender Challenges in E-commerce: What is being done to Support women-owned MSMEs?
- Transforming Gender Roles in Value Chains: Towards More Sustainable Growth
- Data Flows, Data Localisation, Source Code: Issues, Regulations and Trade Agreements
- Evolution of Domestic Support in Agriculture
- Towards the 12th WTO Ministerial Conference: issues and expectations from Stakeholders in the East African Community
- E-commerce in the WTO Council for Trade in Services Regular Work
- Overcoming Gender Challenges in E-Commerce: What is being done to support women-owned MSMEs?
- Investment Facilitation at the World Trade Organization: Progress and the Road Ahead
- Trade in Services: Issues of Interest to Developing Countries and LDCs in the Regular WTO Committee
- WTO Committee on Trade and Environment: Taking forward the Issues of Interest to Developing Countries and LDCs
- WTO Committee on Trade and Development: Taking forward the Issues of Interest to Developing Countries and LDCs
- Whitepaper on Enhancing MSME Participation in Trade: Considerations for the WTO Informal Work Programme for MSMEs
- Trade Policies in Eastern and Southern Africa: Springboard or Barrier to Women’s Economic Development?
- Options for Developing Countries and Least Developed Countries (LDCs) in the WTO Fisheries Subsidies Negotiations
- Challenges faced by Women Exporters: Experience of MSMEs from Africa and Asia
- Barriers for MSMEs to Export at Regional and International Level: Views of MSMEs from Africa and Asia
- WTO Committee on Agriculture: Taking Forward the Issues of Interest to Developing and LDCs
- The Review, Improvement and Clarification of the WTO Dispute Settlement Understanding
- Non-Tariff Barriers: Role of the Multilateral Trading System and Interests of Smaller Developing Countries and LDCs in Western Africa
- Special and Differential Treatment in E-Commerce
- Competition Concerns in Cross-border E-Commerce: Implications for Developing Countries
- The Importance and Implications of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures: Case Study of Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Oman and Tunisia
- The African Continental Free Trade Area: Can it be Leveraged to Promote the Multilateral Trading System?
- An Agenda for Reforming the World Trade Organisation - A New Wind Blowing
- The WTO Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Agreement: Perspectives from East African Stakeholders
- Trade in Services: Current roles of MSMEs in Developed & Developing countries
- Overfishing and Stock Assessments: An Analysis of WTO Fisheries Negotiations
- Tourism services: State of Play and Opportunities for EAC services providers
- Sustainable Industrial Development Policy: What Role for Climate Change, Food Security and Trade? - Tanzania
- Agro-industrial Development in the Context of Climate Change, Food Security and Trade Developing Coherent Policies and Programmes in Uganda
- Leveraging the Buy Kenya, Build Kenya Strategy to Promote Sustainable Agro-processing
- Climate Change and Agriculture Negotiations: Towards more Coherence between Climate, Trade and Agriculture
- Analysis of Uganda’s Draft National Industrial Development Policy: Mainstreaming Agro-Processing, Trade, Climate Change and Food Security
- Towards Effective Implementation of the Industrial Policy for Agro-processing: Reaching out Agro-processors through a National Agro-processing Forum - Rwanda
- National Industrial Development Policy: Mainstreaming Agro-Processing, Trade, Climate Change, Food Security and Gender - Uganda
- Climat, Commerce, Alimentation: Orientations pour une Stratégie de Mise en Œuvre de L’agro-industrie au Burundi
- The East African Community Private Sector Development Strategy (EAC PSDS): Enhancing the Private Sector’s Role in Addressing Climate Change
- Trading with China: Challenges and Policy Issues faced by S&SEA exporting MSMEs
- WTO G90 Special and Differential Treatment proposals: Significance to EAC Member Countries’ Development Policies
- Implementing Adaptation Strategies to Climate Change: State of Play and Stakeholders “Involvement”
- Public Stockholding for Food Security Programmes: State of Play in the East African Community
- Revision of EU Minimum Residue Level: Potential effects on S&SEA exporting MSMEs
- Digital Commerce Capacity Development: Preparing Trade Professionals for the Challenges of the Digital Economy
- Beyond the 11th WTO Ministerial Conference: Issues and Interests of the East African Community Members
- Time for a New Sustainable Industrial Development Policy in Tanzania
- Taking forward the UNFCCC Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture
- Socio-economic Impacts of Climate Change on EAC Agriculture: Can UNFCCC Negotiators Support Farmers and Agro-processors?
- Agriculture Negotiations at the UNFCCC: What to be pursued for East African Community Member States’ interests?
- Buy Kenya, Build Kenya: Preserving EAC Regional Integration
- How can Trade Help Agro-Processing Development in East Africa?
- Leveraging Climate, Trade, and Industrial Policies to Upgrade EAC Agro-industries in Regional and Global Value Chains
- Why and How LDCs can Better Participate in WTO's SPS and TBT Committees
- Taking Advantage of the WTO Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures
- Developing Countries’ Participation in the WTO Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade
- Addressing the Cotton Issue: The Need for Progress at the 11th WTO Ministerial Conference
- On the Table at MC11: Trade Facilitation in Services
- Gender as Included in Bilateral and Multi-Party Trade and Integration Agreements
- On the Table at MC11: Issues related to Blue Economy
- On the Table at MC11: Electronic Commerce
- On the Table at MC11: Investment Facilitation
- On the Table at MC11: TRIPS-related issues
- Fisheries Subsidies Negotiations: Issues of interest to Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and Small Developing Countries
- Public Stockholding for Food Security: Options for Small Developing Countries and LDCs Towards a Permanent Solution at MC11
- On the Table at MC11: LDC Interests in the WTO
- Trade and Competition Policy: Has Past WTO Work Stood the Test of Time?
- Towards MC11: A Synopsis of Small Developing Countries and LDCs Interests
- Competition Policy and the WTO: A Historical Perspective
- Promoting Trade and Economic Development: Learning from WTO Trade Policy Reviews
- How can Africa Agenda 2063 Leverage Trade Related Investment Measures (TRIMs)?
- Enhancing Agriculture Market Access for Developing and Least Developed Countries: A Case for Tariff Simplification
- What are the Possible Features of EAC Adaptation Communication?
- Review of the Uganda National Industrial Policy: Synopsis of Incorporating Climate Change for Agro-processing
- Industrial Policy: Proposed Features of a National Agro-Processing Forum under the IDEC
- Trade and Investment in the Multilateral Trading System: How has it Evolved?
- Trade and Investment in the Multilateral Trading System: A Look at the Past and Proposed new Approach
- Climate and Agriculture Negotiations: Towards more coherence between climate, agro-processing, trade and agriculture
- Fishery sector in the WTO and UNFCCC: Outlining a Synergetic Approach
- The WTO Negotiations on Fisheries Subsidies: Interests of the East African Community
- Making Buy Kenya, Build Kenya Strategy Work for Local Agro-processors
- Domestic Support in Agriculture: Challenges and Opportunities for East Africa at the WTO
- Agriculture-related Actions of EAC NDCs: Technology as a Means of Implementation
- Negotiating Trade and Investment in the WTO: A Historical Review of Multilateral Negotiations to Regulate Foreign Investment
- Addressing Fisheries Subsidies: A Quest for Sustainable Fisheries Production
- Technology Mechanism After Marrakesh: Enhancing Climate Technology Development and Transfer to Developing Countries
- The Impact of Second Hand Clothes and Shoes in East Africa
- Agro-industrial Development Policies: What Nexus to Climate, Food Security, and Trade? - Uganda
- Agro-industrial Development Policies: What Nexus to Climate, Food Security, and Trade? - Tanzania
- Agro-industrial Development Policies: What Nexus to Climate, Food Security, and Trade? - Rwanda
- Agro-industrial Development Policies: What Nexus to Climate, Food Security, and Trade? - Kenya
- Développer l’Agro-industrie: Aspects Climatiques et Commerciaux Vers la Sécurité Alimentaire au Burundi
- Liberalising Government Procurement in the Multilateral Trading System
- WTO Fisheries Subsidies Negotiations: Main Issues and Interests of Least Developed Countries
- Making Climate Adaptation Finance Work for Developing Countries
- Greening Kenya’s Trade Policy: Suggested Provisions
- Integrating Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in International Trade
- Improving Institutional Mechanisms for Trade in Services Negotiations and Policy-making: A Toolkit
- Tackling Adaptation Challenges: Critical Step towards Sustainable Energy Sectors in the EAC
- Climate Finance: Where are UNFCCC Parties at, Where Should They be Headed?
- Trade in Services Negotiations and Developing Countries: Whether, Where and How to Negotiate?
- Effective Consultation of Private Sector Representatives in Trade: Success stories
- Services Data Collection for Low-income Countries: A Toolkit
- The Specific Trade Concern Mechanism of the TBT Committee and the WTO TBT Agreement Implementation
- Innovating for Temporary Movement of Natural Persons in Africa: Leveraging the CFTA
- Work Programme on Electronic Commerce: A brief overview of its evolution in the WTO
- Taking Stock of INDCs: Potential Trade Impacts for East Africa
- Informal Cross-Border Trade: A Perspective from Tunisia
- Services Trade Data in LDCs & LICs: Challenges, “better performers” and pathways for improvement
- Accounting Guidance for Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)
- The Impacts of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and E-commerce on Bilateral Trade Flows
- New Zealand’s Recognised Seasonal Employer Scheme: An Object Lesson in Policy Making - But for Whom?
- Trade and Climate: Are their Interlinkages Taken into Account in the WTO and UNFCCC Systems?
- Leveraging Global Value Chain Analysis to Strengthen the Kenyan Tourism Sector
- Trade as a Tool for the Economic Empowerment of Women
- Work Programme on Electronic Commerce: A Brief overview of its Evolution in the WTO
- Effective Participation of Developing Countries and LDCs in Global Value Chains
- Women Agro-Processors in East Africa: Success Stories and Ways Forward
- Technical Barriers to Trade in the WTO Context: Considerations for South & South-East Asian countries
- The Continental Free Trade Area: Enhancing Economic Development in Africa
- Domestic Regulations and Trade in Services Negotiations: Considerations for South & South-East Asian countries
- Effective implementation of Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs): critical role of the Ad-hoc working group on the Paris Agreement (APA) and relevant actions to be taken by members
- Now the Real Thing: Getting Creative to Make the LDC Services Waiver Work
- Gendering Agro-Processing in the EAC Region
- Following the UNFCCC Paris Agreement: Next Steps for 2016
- Competition Policy at the WTO: A Snapshot
- The WTO Nairobi Ministerial Outcome: Reflections for East African Countries
- New Zealand’s Recognised Seasonal Employer Scheme: An Object Lesson in Policy Making - But for Whom?
- Successful Private Sector Mechanisms for Promoting Trade in Services: Case Study on Barbados
- Identifying Good Practices in LDC/LIC Services Trade Statistics Collection
- Non-Tariff Barriers on Selected Goods Faced by Exporters from the EAC to the EU and USA
- Cross Border Higher Education, International Trade, and Economic Competitiveness
- The Vietnam Telecommunications Sector: Good Practices in Regulatory Reform in Relation to Competition Policy & Law Issues
- Towards the 10th WTO Ministerial Conference: EAC Civil Society Perspectives on Priority Issues for the region
- Towards the 10th WTO Ministerial Conference: Some Issues of Interest to EAC Countries
- Agro-processing in the Context of Trade, Climate Change and Food Security
- Exploring Regulations for Electric Energy Services through the GATS Lens: The Case of Kenya
- Effective Services Institutional Mechanisms: The Case of Brazil
- WTO and UNFCCC: More Collaborative Agendas and Rules Needed to Sustainably Tackle Climate Change?
- Services Policy-Making and Negotiations : Involving Civil Society for Public Interest and Consumer Welfare
- WTO Services Negotiations: Identifying East African Community Countries’ Interests
- GATS Disciplines on Domestic Regulations Negotiations : Brief Analysis of Developing Country Issues
- Uganda’s National Trade Policy: Drawing Linkages with Climate Change and Food Security
- Climate, Food, Trade: Analysis of Institutional Interplay and Information Exchange in Uganda
- Climate, Food, Trade: Analysis of Institutional Interplay and Information Exchange in Tanzania
- “Home-Grown Solutions”: Rwandan Cases of Linking Climate Change, Agriculture and Trade
- Climate, Food, Trade: Analysis of Institutional Interplay and Information Exchange in Rwanda
- Climat, nourriture, commerce: Analyse des interactions institutionnelles et des échanges d'inforlations au Burundi
- Secteur Privé et Société Civile : Relais de l’Information Agro-climatique et Commerciale au Burundi ?
- Climate Change, Food Security and Trade: Institutional Interplay and Information Exchange in Kenya
- WTO Agriculture Negotiations: Securing EAC Countries’ Interests
- WTO NAMA Negotiations: Imperatives and Possible Approaches for the EAC
- Kenya as a Non-LDC WTO Member: What Implications for the EAC in NAMA Negotiations?
- The Potential of Agricultural Global Value Chains for Select Sub-Saharan African Countries: A Focus on Regulation and Trade with Asia
- Promote Agricultural Investments: An Opportunity to Enhance Food Security in the EAC
- Comment Mettre en Place un Système d’Alerte Agro-météorologique au Burundi ?
- Trade Facilitation: State of play of the EAC countries
- Climat, Nourriture, Commerce: Quels Liens Politiques?
- Effects of Trade Policy Reforms on Rice & Maize Cross-Border Trade in the EAC
- The Kenya Maize Development Programme: Lessons for Food Security and Sustainability
- Climate, Food, Trade: Linkages in West Africa
- Why Developing Countries’ Positions in Climate Talks Should be Aware of Trade Policy
- Climate, Food, Trade: Developing Coherent Policies and Programmes in East Africa
- Engager les Acteurs Non-Etatiques dans les Dialogues Public-Privé sur le Commerce
- Engaging Non-State Actors in Public-Private Dialogues on Trade
- Système d’alerte rapide : un aspect essentiel de la promotion de la productivité agricole face au changement climatique
- Développement des chaînes de valeur agro-industrielles en Afrique de l’Est
- Promoting Trade in Services: Analysing the Potential for EAC
- Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA): Current Scenarios and Scope for the Future
- Clean Development Mechanism Projects in EAC: An overview
- Climate, Food, Trade Nexus: Addressing the Need for Policy Coherence in the EAC
- Offer of a Truce: The Peace Clause Agreement on Food Stockholding in Bali
- Climate Change, Food Security and Trade: Evidence from the East African Community
- The Political Dimension of Trade Reforms: Impact on Food Security in the East African Community
- Agro-Industrial Value Chain Addition in the East African Community
- State and Non-State Actors in EAC Food Trade: A Case for Cooperation
- The Implementation of the Trade Facilitation Agreement: Challenges for Developing and LDCs
- Taking Advantage of WTO Regular Work: Learning Lessons from Four Key WTO Bodies
- Trade Facilitation as a Means to Improve SME Competitiveness and Consumer Welfare
- WTO MC9: An Outcome Evaluation and Suggestions for Way Forward for ACP States
- Unpacking the Bali Package : A Snapshot of the Bali Ministerial Decisions of the WTO Members
- A Case of Implementing Trade Facilitation Measures in LDCs
- Réflexions depuis la ligne de front : Les négociateurs des pays en développement à l’OMC
- Preparing for Bali: An Overview for CARICOM
- Climate, Food, Trade: Where is the Policy Nexus? – Lessons from the East African Community
- Processes and Issues towards the WTO Bali Ministerial Conference
- Geographical Indications: Establishing and applying an effective protection system in the EAC countries
- Trade Facilitation in the EAC: Issues and Options
- Climate, Food, Trade: Where is the Policy Nexus? – Uganda
- A Relook at the Eighth Millennium Development Goal – Global Partnership for Development
- Climate, Food, Trade: Where is the Policy Nexus? – Tanzania
- Climate, Food, Trade: Where is the Policy Nexus? – Rwanda
- Climate, Food, Trade: Where is the Policy Nexus? – Kenya
- Climate, Food, Trade: Where is the Policy Nexus? – Burundi
- The WTO Services waiver in favour of LDCs
- The "Plurilateral" Temptation and the Doha Round: Implications and Options for the EAC
- The implications of Biofuel subsidies on Africa's food security and trade
- Trade in Services Negotiations: Challenges and Way Forward for the EAC
- Defining the Future of Trade: Need for a Multilateral Consensus
- Quel avenir pour le commerce mondial? - Pour un consensus multilatéral
- Standards in the Multilateral Trading System: Implications for the EAC
- Facilitating Equitable Agriculture Development in sub-Saharan Africa: The Case of Uganda
- Facilitating Equitable Agriculture Development in sub-Saharan Africa: The Case of Kenya
- Facilitating Equitable Agriculture Development in sub-Saharan Africa: The Case of Tanzania
- Facilitating Equitable Agriculture Development in sub-Saharan Africa: An Analysis of the EU-EAC EPA
- Facilitating Equitable Agriculture Development in Sub- Saharan Africa: The Case of Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda
- WTO Agriculture Disciplines And Negotiations: Implications for Equitable Agriculture Development in the East African Community
- Trade Facilitation in the TFTA: A Closer Look at the EAC
- Leveraging Opportunities in Multilateral and Free Trade Agreements: a Case for the East African Community
- EC-EAC EPA's Compatibility to WTO Rules
- The Multilateral Trading System and Free Trade Agreements: The Case of the East African Community
- Boosting Development in Kenya: Better Participation of Smallholders in Agri-Business
- Reflections from the Frontline: Developing Country Negotiators in the WTO
- Towards Equitable Agriculture Development in Uganda: A Look at the Terms of Trade amongst Stakeholders
- Equitable Development through Agriculture: Policy Options for Tanzania
- Sowing Multilaterally, Reaping Locally: Can the WTO Promote Equitable Agriculture Development in the East African Community?
- Preparations Towards the WTO Ministerial Conference: Perceptions from Eastern Africa
- EAC-EU Trade Negotiations: Bringing Equitable Agriculture Development to the Forefront
- To Have or Not to Have a Round: WTO at Crossroads
- How Can Agriculture and Trade Lead to Livelihoods, Food Security and Development?
- Agriculture in Development of Select African Countries: Linkages with Trade, Productivity, Livelihood and Food Security
- Taking East African Regional Integration Forward: A Civil Society Perspective
- Reassessing Scope and Mandate of the Enhanced Integrated Framework. A Legal/ Technical Study
- The TRIPS-CBD Issue in the WTO: A South Asian Perspective
- Inclusiveness of Trade Policy-Making : Challenges and Possible Responses for Better Stakeholder Participation
- Improving Ownership through Inclusive Trade Policy Making Processes: Lessons from Africa
- Towards More Inclusive Trade Policy Making: Process and Role of Stakeholders in Select African Countries
- South Asian Positions in the GATS Negotiations: Some Reflections from CUTS Research
- The Mexico - Telecoms Case: What Lessons Can Be Drawn for South Asian Countries?
- Revenue Implications of the EC-EAC EPA: the Case of Tanzania
- Standards and Market Access under EPAs: Implications and Way Forward for EAC
- Export taxes and EPAs-Another Policy Tool under Threat from the EC?
- Leveraging the Agriculture Sector through Trade: Opportunities and Challenges in the EC-EAC EPA
- Trade in Services and EPAs: The way forward for the EAC
- Aid for Trade: Profile of the SAARC
- The Most Favoured-Nation Provision in the EC-EAC EPA and its Implications
About PressRelease
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- Public Procurement under Spotlight in Geneva on World Competition Day
- CUTS concludes training of East African stakeholders on Agriculture, Climate and Trade issues
- Climate Change, Food Security and Trade Nexus under Spotlight in Geneva
- International Conference on “Climate Change-Food Security-Trade Nexus: Linking EAC issues to the Global Context”
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- LDCs must believe in their people, says Felix Mutati, Trade Minister of Zambia
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