This study examines the institutional mechanisms in place in Tanzania for interaction between the government agencies responsible for climate change, agriculture and trade issues. Evidence from the study shows that the institutional and legal frameworks in Tanzania are supportive and enabling for the implementation of the District Development Plans (DDPs) at district level, including wards and village level. However, the District Councils are facing a number of challenges that undermine institutional interplay and linkages between them and the national policy-making processes. Among the main challenges identified by the author are the inadequate resources for the execution of the DDPs, the lack of district autonomy, as well as the limited involvement of Non-State Actors.
As the link between Agriculture, Climate, and Trade (ACT) proves to be strong in Tanzania, different non state actors with close relationships with the government of Tanzania have continued initiating new activities that aim to facilitate smooth interplay between different institutions involved in ACT. The government has put forth several national policy frameworks that act as a blueprint towards attaining inclusive and socio- economic growth. However, major challenges or gaps (weaknesses) exist that hamper implementation of these National Policy Frameworks, such as low involvement or participation and limited capacity of the key players and institutions, particularly those at lower levels.
In view of the limited involvement and implementation capacity of key players at lower levels, poorly adopted institutional framework and its interplay, and therefore overall performance of the ACT at District Council levels led to an urgent need to address implementation challenges at lower levels by way of understanding the functioning of the institutions as well as the challenges they face.
This study therefore has attempted to identify, understand and suggest improvements of the institutional interplay from the local to the national level for the holistic tackling of the three issues of climate change, food security and trade. To do so, the study focuses on institutional, legal, financial bottlenecks and skills gaps in planning, budgeting, and implementation of ACT-related plans. It also seeks to acknowledge and support the current efforts by the government and various stakeholders in mainstreaming the environment, climate change, food security, and trade initiatives in the planning and budgeting processes at different levels.
It is envisaged that through the study recommendations and conclusions highlighted in this publication, the relevant stakeholders including the government, non state actors, farmers, traders and even environmentalists would agree on a framework that would enable each one of them work in a well-coordinated manner that would eventually help promote agriculture, climate and trade-related issues.