Agricultural Markets

Agriculture Negotiations at the UNFCCC: What to be pursued for East African Community Member States’ interests?

This study explores the interests of East African Community Member States in the new “Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture” of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Following the ground-breaking decision at COP23 last year to advance work in the area of agriculture in climate talks, Parties are now required to work on “bold actions” needed in agriculture. The study reviews some of the relevant issues of interest in the region, in particular in the area of food security, and suggests ways forward in UNFCCC discussions.

This study is published as part of the project “Promoting Agriculture, Climate and Trade linkages in the EAC – Phase 2” (PACT EAC2). It is Led by CUTS International, Geneva, in collaboration with CUTS ARC, Nairobi, and aims to build the capacity of individuals, networks and institutions in identifying and promoting appropriate policies on agroprocessing in the EAC region, which are climate-aware, trade-oriented and concerned about enhancing food security.
