Experts and scholars have agreed on the need for a sustainable industrial development plan, SIDP (1996-2020), to go on time to convert agriculture and to put the country in a better way to achieve the industrial economy.
Experts and scholars have agreed on the need for a sustainable industrial development plan, SIDP (1996-2020), to go on time to change agriculture and to put the country in a better way to achieve the industrial economy.
The statement has been pronounced in a different way by the experts who have met in this city to look at the existing relationship between industries, climate change and agriculture; and how industry policies can be reviewed to refine these relationships.
The workshop organized by ESRF and CUTS International aims at explaining the importance of monitoring industrial relations policy and climate change policy, food security and trade.
To discuss the issues presented at the ESRF seminar, the experts realized the unique importance of re-establishing the policy so that it could reflect the existing fitness between industry, agriculture and trade; and what measures / strategies are there to prevent this adhma manufacturing against the impact of climate change.
They have said that by integrating sustainable industrial development policy with agricultural and agricultural products itself, it creates a basis for solid foundation in the development process and in particular industries. Also, with a strong policy, the country will be able to attract local and international investors investing in the Industry industry, particularly industries based on agricultural sector grants.
Head of Research Department and Publications of the Institute for Economic and Social Studies (ESRF), Professor Fortunata Makene announcing the invitation on behalf of ESRF CEO, Dr. Taji Kida during the second phase of the World Cup, Agricultural Development, and Relationship relations with the East African Community (PACT EAC2) held last weekend at the ESRF conference hall in Dar es Salaam.
At the conference, the need for advocacy strategies was to be undertaken by looking at research in the field of development in terms of climate change, food security and trade. Above all, stakeholders also felt that there was a great need for further research, how much SIDP policy (1996-2020) has been able to contribute to Tanzania’s growth, and what affiliate issues have to be resolved and refined during the review will be this.
Presenting his argument, Solomon Baregu, ESRF Researcher and PACT Project Manager EAC 2, said on the current situation where there is a need for experts to identify challenges that arise in sustainable industrial development and to look at agriculture as a basis for industrial consolidation.
In addition, in view of the current situation, there is a great need for changing Tanzania’s agriculture in order to improve the lives of the people and to strengthen the industries by providing them with adequate raw materials and quality.
He said it is best to understand the existing relationship between industrial and agricultural development policies to have a specific defense plan aimed at strengthening industries.
At the meeting participants also went through various issues and steps taken through the policy of the industrial development plan that ends in 2020.
Assistant Director of the Co-operative Regional Co-ordination Department, Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment, Ms. Deputy Mwafunda reads the opening speech on behalf of the Secretary-General of the ministry during the second-party meeting of the State, Agricultural Development, and Relationship and Trade of the East African Community (PACT EAC2), held at the weekend in the venue of the ESRF meetings in Dar es Salaam.
Among the emerging issues of research talks is the importance of linking various policies into agriculture and industries to feed them and giving them meaningful direction as leaven in strengthening the industrial economy.
They said that there was a need to look at these policies to assist in strengthening agriculture and to provide competitiveness for industries based on agricultural products to strengthen them.
In addition to the negotiations at the conference, it was stated that although the government through its various ministries and the Vice-President’s Office have taken several steps to have the best outcomes in advocacy of agricultural-related products, lack of transparency and joint implementation will bring problems to the people.
The current industrial development policy (SIDP) was created in 1996 and ends in 2020 but there is still a need for integration into the implementation of the development plan, since there are currently no relationships and there are no plans in various policies.
They have said that the policy does not provide an opportunity or relationship between agricultural processing plants, climate change, trade and food security.
Researcher of the ESRF and PACT Project Manager EAC 2, Solomon Baregu, presented the best way to conduct research aimed at aligning the development of industrial development and climate change and agriculture during the conference talk about the PACT-EAC2 project at the end weekly at the ESRF meeting hall in Dar es Salaam.
They also said that the second development plan (2016 / 17-2020 / 21) shows the need to put Tanzania in the industrial way by building a country for agricultural production as well as in breeding.
The need to change agriculture is due to the fact that it is one of the foreign-income sector as it contributes to 29.1% of national output, contributing to 30 percent of foreign currency.
It is also the only source of business guarantees providing 65% of industrial demand (raw) and 90 percent of national food and employing 66.9% of national labor force.
Brother Linda, who was Vice Chairman of TCCIA, commented further that there is a need for change in the policy to invest in investing in agricultural relations, as the nation wants to continue towards the industrial economy.
And Brother Joseph Kihaule, the Chief Executive Officer of the Vice-President of the Office, said that there is a need for flexibility in agriculture in order to achieve a good deal while saying international negotiations to get frames, especially in relation to climate change, are important to integrate with policy range to strengthen agriculture and access to food.
Vice Chairman of TCCIA, Peter Lanya, addressing SIDP 1996-2020 during the second-party meeting of the Country, Agricultural Development, and Relationship and Trade of the East African Community (PACT EAC2), held at the weekend in the hall ESRF meetings in Dar es Salaam. Right is the Assistant Director of the Regional Cooperation Department from the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment, Ms. Support Setup.
Initially opening the seminar, the Secretary-General of Industry, Trade and Investment (Adelhelm Meru), thanked the ERSF and CUTS International institutions for the importance of having the four national conference on the PACT-EAC project.
In his lecture by the Assistant Director of the Ministry of Industrial Cooperation, Mrs. Deputy chairperson Sekela Mwazela said the ministry recognizes the need to integrate industry and crop crop production as it contributes to similar industrial development.
He said that the work done by the ESRF makes it possible for the ministry to make significant changes in 2020.
He said the policy that started from 1996 to 2020 has gone into three areas aimed at strengthening industrial capacity (1996-2000), technology use (2000-2010) and manufacturing industries 2010-2020.
He said SIDP has helped to strengthen the industry and now there must be an oversight of good relations between all the policies that are expected to facilitate sustainable industrial development.
Chief Executive Officer from Vice-President of the Environment Office, Joseph Kihaule, commented at the weekend meeting at the ESRF meeting hall in Dar es Salaam.
With ESRF CEO, Dr. Tailor Kida in his lecture by Prof. Fortunata Makene has said there is a significant need for change in the SIDP due to its relations with other relevant sectors of agriculture.
At the second-party meeting, the Agricultural Development, and its relations with the East African community (PACT EAC2), Dr. Kida said his institution was pleased to contribute to helping strengthen the country’s industries.
He said the meeting aimed at improving industrial policy, SIDP (1996-2020), prior to the subsequent research, it is important to see that agriculture is improved to coincide with SIDP by establishing previously disadvantaged SIDP policies.
Pick up and down part of participants contributing comments during the weekly meeting at the ESRF conference hall in Dar es Salaam.
He said to the Tanzanian nation to move ahead, it is important that the key issues in the SIDP have been implemented to implement industrial development plans by engaging in agricultural crop processing.
In addition, he said in a study that will help improve SIDP’s international business obligations in industrial and local development, it can not be ignored.
He said the study would help to increase ‘meat’ in development strategies by making advocacy on climate change, trade and food security by making significant changes in agricultural product retailing and recognizing the international agreement Tanzania is a participant, especially UNFCCC and WTO.